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Nothing quite beats camping in the open outdoors in the middle of nature. However, sometimes situations arise that you may not initially have expected. For example, a strong wind may come out of nowhere and try to blow away your tent.

Here’s how to keep your tent from blowing away:
- Open your tent properly and set it up correctly.
- Use tent stakes that will tether your tent to the ground.
- Use a tent cord rope tightly.
- Use weighted sandbags to keep it down.
- Find the best location in which to set up your tent.
If you’re ready to protect yourself, your belongings, your tent, and your enjoyable camping trip from the tricky wind, then please continue reading. I hope this article will be of great help to you.
1. Open Your Tent Properly and Set It Up Correctly
Once you have purchased the perfect tent and you’ve made your way to the camping spot of choice, you want to set up your tent. However, you want to ensure that you do it as properly as you can.
Most tents come with an instructional list of steps you should follow to make sure you don’t miss an important detail. With that in mind, there are a few essential things you should remember.
Your tent most likely comes with a frame that’s already built, so you don’t have to do a great deal of manual labor.
You’ll want to start with all of the legs and then move on to putting on the fabric material of the tent. If you need any clarification, be sure to read over the instructions or even visit the website of the tent’s manufacturer.
You can also watch this YouTube video which is immensely helpful in preparing your tent for the possibility of a strong gust of wind:
In this video, the YouTuber shows you exactly how you should prepare your tent. From there, he demonstrates how to find a natural barrier that will block the window and how to secure your tent safely.
So please take a look because it’ll indeed teach you some great new tips.
2. Use Tent Stakes That Will Tether Your Tent to the Ground
- 10 – pack Tent Stakes Heavy Duty with Bonus 4 10ft Ropes & 1 Green Stopper
- Heavy-duty set of peg stakes, Approx. ¼", ( 8 mm )
- Tent Stakes Material: galvanized steel for corrosion resistance
- Milled points prod easily into hard soil with a large head for mallet driving.
- Essential tool for securely anchoring tents
Purchasing some extra safety equipment ahead of leaving for your camping trip is highly recommended. Take a look at the Eurmax Tent Stakes (available on Amazon.com), which are heavy-duty stakes that will cement your tent into the ground.
It sounds like a great way to keep your tent from being blown away, right?
This particular purchase comes with a set of 10 stakes which will protect your tent from heavy winds in the dirt, soil, and grass. So it doesn’t matter what type of terrain you choose for your camping adventure.
These stakes are a fantastic way to block out any wind and any potential damage.
3. Use a Tent Cord Rope Tightly
Outdoor adventuring comes with many fantastic benefits and some dangers or things you need to be cautious of. In this case, you need to protect your tent from not only the wind but from the destruction of your tent and your personal belongings.
After all, who wants any of that to happen on vacation away from work and home?
- Lightweight & Portable Cords
- Extremely Strong Camp Lines
- Aluminum Guylines Tensioner
- Durable Tent Cord
- Muilti-purpose Ropes
The Geertop Tent Cord Rope (available on Amazon.com) will help you when you need it most.
These cords reach up to a length of 13’ (3.96 m). You use them to secure your tent to the ground, therefore creating more security for you, your camping buddies, and your tent.
4. Use Weighted Sandbags To Keep It Down
Not only will tent stakes and tent cord ropes be of great advantage for you, but so will weighted sandbags.
- Set of 4 Monoshock sand weight bags, easy to put up and release.
- Made of 1680D PVC-backed polyester fabric for high quality and built to last.
- Each pack can hold up to a maximum of 28 lbs of weight in sand, rock, gravel, snow, dirt, and other contents.
You can use the Eurmax Sand Bags (available on Amazon.com), which function in much the same way as the stakes and cords. To use them properly, you need to tie the sandbags to the legs of the tent, which provides proper support for the base and overall structure.
The next time the wind comes sailing by, your tent should be solid and good to go.
5. Find the Best Location in Which To Set Up Your Tent
Finding the best place to set up your tent is one of the most important things to keep in mind, not just for an enjoyable vacation but for your own safety and warmth. When you begin to hunt for the perfect spot, you want to make sure you’ll be safe.
Don’t set up the tent directly underneath large, imposing trees or near a large body of water. Both could cause potentially dangerous situations which you don’t want to happen.
You’ll want to start looking for flat ground that is neither bumpy nor uneven, which will provide a stable base on which you can erect the tent. Grass that isn’t too tall but is instead on the short side and mostly firm soil are great locations for your tent.
If you decide to camp on cement or hard surface, stay clear of any cracks or large holes. This way you can feel safe and not feel like you’ll be in any imminent danger.
Keep these essential tips in mind, and you’ll be happy to know that your tent has that much less of a chance of blowing away in the wind.
Key Takeaways
You should definitely enjoy your camping trip. So in order to make sure you make the experience as optimal as possible, take a few extra steps to secure your tent.
Make sure to find the perfect location and erect the tent properly. No need to rush through the process. It’s better to take your time. Investing in a few extra supplies before camping can also be of tremendous help to you.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and that the advice will help you not only enjoy camping but also keep your tent from blowing away in the wind!
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