How To Keep Bugs Out of a Pop Up Camper

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Pop-up campers are a fantastic way of adding some extra space to your camper van. The sides can be extended out like a tent which provides you with an extra room or two, ideal for making the most out of your area while on vacation. However, there’s one issue with the pop-up camper, and that is the bugs. 

Here’s how to keep bugs out of a pop-up camper: 

  1. Place a ground mat below the pop-up section. 
  2. Close any gaps in windows and walls. 
  3. Install a mosquito net within the pop-up camper.
  4. Get an outdoor cat.
  5. Use bug repellents. 

Keep reading to learn more in detail about how you can go about keeping creepy crawlers out of your camper. We’ll explore the best solutions to common problems, where bugs usually get in, and what you can use to keep bugs out of your pop-up camper. By the end of this article, you’ll easily be able to bug-proof your camper. 

1. Place a Ground Mat Below the Pop-Up Section

The first step in keeping bugs out of your pop-up camper is by placing a ground mat down below the pop-up. A ground mat ensures that the floor remains dry and free from any creepy crawlies. 

Insects commonly enter pop-up campers through the floor. As a result, laying down a high-quality floor mat with no holes or gaps will prevent a high amount of bugs from entering your camper. 

It’s essential that you securely fasten the sides and corners of the ground mat to ensure the bugs are kept out. 

Placing a mat on the ground will also prevent crumbs and other pieces of food from landing on the floor. Small amounts of food attract bags to your location, so preventing these morsels from falling on the floor will reduce the number of bugs that are attracted to your camper. 

This, in turn, makes keeping big out a more manageable task in the future.

2. Close Any Gaps In Windows and Walls

Bugs and critters can get into your camper through any small little gaps that may be present. 

They get in through gaps in the windows, doors, and walls of your camper with a pop-up. Therefore it makes sense that you close up any gaps or cracks that you can see. 

You can cover these gaps easily using tape. All that you need to do is cut a piece of tape that covers the size of the hole and place it over the gap. This will place a barrier that bugs will find difficult to pass through. 

Take the time to thoroughly check your camper for any small gaps that a bug could gain access through. If you miss even one small gap, you could have hundreds of ants crawling around your camper in no time. 

3. Install a Mosquito Net Within the Pop-Up Camper

A mosquito net is designed to fit around a bed or within a room. The mosquito net is full of tiny holes that only air and light can pass through. As a result, bugs can only gain access to mosquito nets when the entrance has been left ajar. 

Therefore adding a mosquito net is an excellent way of keeping out bugs. 

A mosquito net is a relatively inexpensive investment and a highly effective way of ensuring no bugs get into your camper. Just install a mosquito net within the pop-up of your camper. Then add a ground mat on the bottom, and you have a protective layer around the inside of your trailer. 

MEKKAPRO Ultra Large Mosquito Net

Keep out mosquitoes, noseeum, black flies, wasps, bugs and other pesky insects with MEKKAPRO's Natural Mosquito Net.

If you make a purchase, you support by allowing us to earn an affiliate commission (no added cost for you).

Check out this excellent mosquito net such as the MekkaPro Mosquito Net (available on It’s an affordable solution to those pestering bugs in your camper. Hang this lightweight and travel-friendly net, and all the bugs will be denied access to your camper. 

The net even comes with hooks and ropes so you can secure it without leaving any gaps. 

4. Get An Outdoor Cat

One highly effective way of keeping bugs, rodents, and other infestations out of your camper is by getting a cat. If you raise your cat to be an outdoor feline, they’ll quickly learn to hunt and pursue prey. 

Cats are phenomenal hunters who get great excitement from chasing down prey. An outdoor cat would relish the idea of catching any cockroaches or spiders that make their way into your camper. 

However, the cat may not be interested in more minor pests like ants or fruit flies. 

An outdoor cat is an excellent way to enhance your pest control, but keeping a cat requires a lot of love and attention. On top of this, cats can be expensive to keep when you factor in food and veterinary expenses. 

As a result, an outdoor cat won’t be the most effective or affordable solution, but it may be the most enjoyable way of keeping bugs out. 

5. Use Bug Repellents

There are a massive variety of bug repellents available for you to buy. For the sake of this article, I have divided the types of repellents into two main categories, natural and artificial. 

There are a variety of home remedies for keeping bugs away that you can try. 


Natural bug repellents come in a variety of forms, and they use natural chemicals and smell to deter bugs from coming closer. Typically natural repellents are affordable and safe to use around humans and pets. Although, natural repellents are often less effective than artificial alternatives. 


Artificial bug repellants include chemicals like Deet. These chemicals are highly effective at keeping bugs away and are commonly used in tropical climates to prevent mosquito bites. However, some artificial repellants may be harmful to pets or humans if used in high doses or after prolonged exposure. 

Related Articles:
Does Bug Spray Repel Spiders?
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Pop-up campers are a convenient and clever way of making the most out of the available space on your camper. However pop-up campers are prone to letting bugs in. 

Luckily all that you have to do to keep the bugs away is to remember the following points: 

  • Seal any gaps or cracks.
  • Lay down a groundsheet. 
  • Use mosquito nets.
  • Use sprays to keep bugs away.
  • Get an outdoor cat.

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